Project S - Project ICM

149.999 M2 Project S

Get ready to perform

Our strength within smaller projects? Fast switching! For example, we are sometimes called on Thursday afternoon asking if we can remove and re-lay 500 m2 of carpet before Monday 07:00 AM. The answer to this question is very simple: Yes! We move faster than lightning!

So even for the smaller projects you can just approach us. Don't be afraid, we don't bite!

Project S 5 - Project ICM
Project S 6 - Project ICM
Project S 7 - Project ICM
Project S 8 - Project ICM
Project S 9 - Project ICM
Project S 11 - Project ICM
Project S 12 - Project ICM
Project S 13 - Project ICM
Project S 14 - Project ICM
Project S 15 - Project ICM
Project S 16 - Project ICM
Project S 17 - Project ICM
Project S 18 - Project ICM
Project S 19 - Project ICM
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