Cast floor

  • Publicatie datum December 15, 2023
  • Auteur Joost van Hulst
  • Laatst aangepast January 30, 2024

Cast floors are floors that consist of a liquid plastic that is poured over an existing surface. A cast floor has a seamless, sleek and modern appearance and is suitable for various business applications.

On this page you can read everything you need to know about cast floors, the different types, the costs, the advantages and disadvantages, and what you should pay attention to when choosing the right cast floor for your company.

What is a cast floor?

A cast floor is a floor finish that consists of one or more layers of plastic that are poured over an existing surface. The plastic hardens into a smooth, even and seamless floor that is easy to clean and maintain.

In addition, cast floors can be applied in any desired color and provided with an anti-slip or anti-static layer. A cast floor is durable, wear-resistant, waterproof and resistant to chemicals, fungi and bacteria.

What are the advantages of a cast floor?

Cast floors offer a wide range of advantages that make them ideal for commercial environments:

  1. Durability: Cast floors are designed to last, even in the most demanding environments. They are resistant to wear and tear and can withstand heavy loads.
  2. Ease of maintenance: Thanks to their seamless surface, cast floors are easy to keep clean. They require little maintenance to maintain their optimal condition.
  3. Aesthetics: Cast floors offer a modern and sleek look. They are available in different colors and finishes, allowing them to be perfectly adapted to the style of a business space.
  4. Moisture resistance: Cast floors are naturally waterproof, making them ideal for areas where moisture is a common problem.

What are the disadvantages of a cast floor?

Although cast floors offer many advantages, there are also some points to take into account:

  1. Installation Costs: The initial cost of installing a cast floor can be higher than other flooring options. However, it is important to remember that this is an investment in a sustainable flooring solution.
  2. Temperature sensitivity: Cast floors can feel cold, especially in rooms without underfloor heating. In such cases, considering underfloor heating can be a good solution.
  3. Risk of cracking: If the substrate is not properly prepared, a cast floor can be prone to cracking. It is crucial to thoroughly inspect and prepare the surface before applying the cast floor.
  4. Slipperiness: Cast floors can become slippery, especially in damp conditions. In such cases, appropriate safety measures must be taken.

What are the characteristics and properties of a cast floor?

Cast floors can vary in characteristics and properties depending on the type of floor and specifications. However, in general they have the following properties:


What different types of cast floors are there?

There are different types of cast floors, each with their own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Below we have listed the most common types of cast floors for you.

PU cast floor

A PU cast floor (polyurethane floor) is an extremely popular choice due to its remarkable flexibility and elastic properties. This not only makes it comfortable to walk on, but also makes it suitable for areas where the comfort of employees or visitors is of great importance.

PU cast floors are ideally used in offices and commercial spaces where a pleasant walking experience is crucial. The floor feels warm and provides a soft surface, which is an important advantage, especially in areas where there is a lot of foot traffic, such as offices.

Epoxy cast floor

Epoxy cast floors are known for their exceptional hardness and wear resistance. This makes them ideally suited for industrial environments where the floor is subject to intensive loads. This includes warehouses, workshops and production halls where heavy equipment is moved and the floor must be resistant to impact and wear.

Epoxy cast floors offer a durable solution that lasts a long time, even under the most challenging conditions. This makes it an ideal floor type for commercial applications.

ESD cast floor

An ESD (ElectroStatic Discharge) cast floor plays an essential role in environments where electrostatic discharge can lead to damage to sensitive electronic equipment.

This specialized floor prevents static electricity from building up and provides a safe environment in cleanrooms, laboratories and manufacturing facilities where sensitive electronics are used.

Trowel floor

Trowel floors are composed of heavy mineral aggregates and epoxy resins, resulting in a floor that offers unprecedented strength and wear resistance. These floors are particularly suitable for environments where the floor must be able to withstand heavy loads, such as factories and production facilities where intensive machining activities take place.

MMA cast floor

Methyl methacrylate (MMA) cast floors are distinguished by their rapid hardening. This makes them ideal for areas where minimal downtime is required, such as shops and hospitals where the floor must be put back into use quickly.

MMA cast floors offer the combination of durability and speed, which can be crucial in business environments where efficiency is paramount.

Floor coating

Floor coatings are thin layers that are applied over existing floors to protect and beautify them. They provide an excellent solution for refurbishing existing floors without the need for complete replacement.

Floor coatings are versatile and can be tailored to specific needs, making them suitable for a variety of commercial applications.

Cast coating

A cast coating resembles a cast floor, but is thinner in nature. Despite the reduced thickness, it still offers a seamless finish, making it a suitable choice for lighter loads.

Cast coatings are ideal for areas where a sleek, modern look is desired, but where the floor is not heavily loaded. They are used, for example, in showrooms, shops and reception areas.

How much does a cast floor cost?

The costs of a cast floor depend on various factors, such as the type of material, the surface, the thickness, the color and the finish of the floor. In addition, the preparation of the surface, labor costs and any additional options can also influence the price. In this section we give you an overview of the most important factors that determine the price of a cast floor and we give you an indication of the average cast floor price per m2.

What factors influence the price of a cast floor?

The price of a cast floor is determined by a combination of several important factors. Below we will discuss the most important factors, so that you know what to look for when selecting the right type of cast floor that suits your budget.

Type of material

There are various types of cast floors, each with their own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. The choice of material type has a significant impact on the final price.

In general, harder and stronger material results in a more expensive cast floor. For example, an epoxy cast floor is usually more expensive than a PU cast floor, while an MMA cast floor can be more expensive than an epoxy variant.


The size of the room in which the cast floor is installed is also an important price-determining factor. Larger surfaces generally result in lower costs per square meter.

This is because economies of scale arise when installing a cast floor. This means there are fewer transport costs, less material loss and fewer labor hours are required for a larger surface area.


The thickness of a cast floor usually varies between 1 and 5 millimeters, depending on the type of material and the desired quality. The thicker the cast floor, the more material is required and the higher the price per square meter. However, a thicker cast floor can offer advantages, such as improved insulation, sound insulation and wear resistance.


The color of the cast floor can also influence the price, especially when choosing a special or unique color. A standard color such as white, gray or black is usually cheaper than a custom color that is mixed especially for you.

The number of colors you wish to use can also influence the final costs. For example, a uniformly colored floor is generally cheaper than a floor with a mixed or speckled color.


The finishing of a cast floor includes the last layer that is applied to protect or beautify the floor. This finish can consist of a matte or glossy top layer, an anti-slip or anti-static layer, a flake or glitter layer, or a concrete look or metallic layer.

The choice of finish can also influence the price of a cast floor, as some finishes require more material or labor than others.



preparation of the surface on which the cast floor is applied is also a factor that can influence the price. The surface must be flat, clean, dry and dust-free to guarantee good adhesion and quality.

If the surface does not meet these requirements, it must first be treated with, for example, sanding, leveling, priming or repair. This may incur additional costs.

Labour costs

The labor costs include the fee charged by the cast floor specialist for laying the cast floor. These costs depend on the hourly rate, experience and quality of the specialist.

Labor costs may also vary by region or season. It is therefore wise to request and compare multiple quotes before choosing a cast floor specialist.

extra options

Additional options include the costs that are added to the basic price of a cast floor for any additional wishes or requirements. This includes installing underfloor heating, floor lines, logos or patterns, removing the old floor or moving furniture. These additional options can significantly increase the price of a cast floor.

What is the average cast floor price per m2?

The average cast floor price per m2 is difficult to give, because it strongly depends on the above factors. In addition, prices can vary greatly per provider. To give you an indication, we have created a table below with the average cast floor price per m2 for different types of cast floors and surfaces.

Type of cast floorArea (m2)Price per m2 (euro)PU cast floor20 – 5080 – 120PU cast floor50 – 10070 – 100PU cast floor100 – 20060 – 90PU cast floor> 20050 – 80Epoxy cast floor20 – 5090 – 130Epoxy cast floor50 – 10080 – 110Epoxy cast floor100 – 20070 – 100Epoxy cast floor> 20060 – 90ESD cast floor20 – 50100 – 140ESD cast floor50 – 10090 – 120ESD cast floor100 – 20080 – 110ESD cast floor> 20070 – 100trowel floor20 – 5070 – 110trowel floor50 – 10060 – 90trowel floor100 – 20050 – 80Treed floor> 20040 – 70MMA cast floor20 – 50120 – 160MMA cast floor50 – 100110 – 140MMA cast floor100- 200100 – 130MMA cast floor> 20090 – 120Floor coating20 – 5030 – 50Floor coating50 – 10025 – 40Floor coating100 – 20020 – 35Floor coating> 20015 – 30Cast coating20 – 5040 – 60Cast coating50 – 10 035 – 50Casting coating100 – 20030 – 45Casting coating> 20025 – 40

Please note: these are only target prices and may differ from actual prices.

For which business applications are cast floors suitable?

Cast floors are suitable for various commercial applications, because they offer many advantages in terms of hygiene, safety, durability and aesthetics. Below we give some examples of business sectors where cast floors are often used:


Cast floors are ideal as a floor for an office because of their sleek, modern appearance that fits seamlessly with various business styles.

In addition, they provide comfort, sound insulation and heat insulation, which contributes to the well-being and productivity of employees. Its easy cleaning and maintenance saves both time and costs.


Cast floors are ideally suited as warehouse floors because of their excellent resistance to mechanical and chemical stress, which minimizes damage and wear.

In addition, they are anti-slip and anti-static, which significantly reduces the risk of accidents and malfunctions. In addition, these floors are completely seamless and waterproof, so neither dirt nor moisture can settle.


Cast floors are indispensable in a workshop because of their resistance to high temperatures, moisture, chemicals, fungi and bacteria. They are also wear-resistant and scratch-resistant, so they last a long time without deformation.

The hygienic properties and ease of cleaning and disinfection contribute to the quality and safety of the work.

catering industry

The catering industry benefits enormously from cast floors, which meet strict requirements in terms of hygiene, safety and aesthetics. With seamless and waterproof properties, they leave no room for dirt, dust or moisture.

In addition, they are non-slip and fire resistant, which reduces the risk of accidents and fire. The attractive and decorative aspects contribute to the total customer experience.

Health care sector

Cast floors for the healthcare sector meet strict standards in terms of hygiene, safety and comfort. Thanks to the seamless and waterproof properties, bacteria, fungi and viruses cannot find a breeding ground.

They are anti-static and sound-absorbing, which minimizes the risk of electric shock and noise pollution. The softness and warmth of these floors provide comfort for both patients and staff.


Educational institutions benefit from cast floors that create a hygienic, safe and educational environment for students and teachers.

The seamless and waterproof properties prevent the ingress of dirt, dust and allergens.

They are also non-slip and sound-absorbing, which minimizes the risk of slipping and distraction. Thanks to their colorful and decorative appearance, they contribute to the atmosphere and learning motivation. Therefore, definitely consider a cast floor as an educational floor.


In retail, cast floors offer an attractive, sustainable and practical solution for both the store and the customers. These floors are wear-resistant and scratch-resistant, so they require little maintenance and do not need to be replaced quickly.

They are also easy to clean, which saves both time and costs. The aesthetic versatility of cast floors ensures that they suit any store style or product category. A good shop floor must at least meet the requirement of being adaptable.

Sports and recreation

In the world of sports and recreation, cast floors offer a sporty, comfortable and safe surface for athletes and visitors. They are resilient and absorb shock, which reduces the strain on muscles and joints.

In addition, they are anti-slip and anti-static, which minimizes the risk of slipping and electric shock. The cheerful and lively appearance contributes to energy and motivation during exercise.

What should you pay attention to when selecting the right cast floor for your company?

If you want to have a cast floor installed for your company, there are a number of things you should pay attention to in order to make the right choice. Below we give you some tips and points of interest to help you select the best cast floor for your situation.

Choice of material

As we have seen before, there are different types of cast floors, each with their own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. The choice of the type of material depends on your wishes, requirements and budget.

You have to ask yourself what kind of floor you want, what kind of load the floor should be able to withstand, what kind of appearance the floor should have and how much you are willing to pay.

To help you make the right choice, you can use the following table, in which we have summarized the most important properties and differences between the types of cast floors:

Type of cast floorPropertiesAdvantagesDisadvantagesPrice per m2 (euro)PU cast floorSoft, elastic, colourfast, waterproofWarm, comfortable, attractive, sound-absorbing, UV-resistantExpensive, sensitive to temperature, hard50 – 120Epoxy cast floorHard, strong, hygienic, versatileWear-resistant, resistant to chemicals, antistatic, decorativeExpensive, sensitive for temperature, cold, hard60 – 130ESD cast floorConductive, safe, durablePrevents electrostatic discharge, protects equipment and people, resistant to high temperatures and moistureExpensive, cold, hard70 – 140Treed floorStrong, anti-slip, decorativeResistant to high pressure and load, good grip and stability, natural and warm appearanceMore expensive than floor coating or cast coating, less tight than PU or epoxy cast floor40 – 110MMA cast floorFast, adhesive, resistantCurses within two hours, adheres to any surface, resistant to high temperatures and moistureMost expensive type of cast floor, has a strong odor during application90 – 160Floor coatingThin, affordable , effectiveProtects the existing floor against wear and dirt, changes or improves the appearance of the existing floorLess durable and high-quality than a cast floor, less choice in colors and finishes15 – 50Cast coatingSmooth, high-quality, versatile Has a smooth and even surface, has a higher quality and adhesion than a floor coating, can be cast in any color or pattern More expensive than a floor coating, less durable and of better quality than a cast floor25 – 60

Aromatic or aliphatic cast floor?

The difference between an aromatic or aliphatic cast floor is important to take into account when considering a cast floor. This relates to the chemical composition of the plastic that makes up the cast floor.

An aromatic cast floor contains benzene rings in its molecules, while an aliphatic cast floor does not. The main difference between these two types of cast floors is in their reaction to sunlight.

An aromatic cast floor can discolour or yellow under the influence of UV radiation. This does not apply to an aliphatic cast floor. That is why an aliphatic cast floor is more colourfast and better resistant to UV light, but also slightly more expensive.

Degree of strain

How much load the cast floor must be able to withstand is an essential aspect when determining which type of cast floor you need. This load can be mechanical, such as the weight of machines, vehicles or people, or chemical, such as contact with liquids, acids or bases.

Depending on the business activity and the environment in which the cast floor will be installed, you must choose a cast floor that is best

and is against the specific tax. For example, an epoxy cast floor is suitable when you expect high mechanical and chemical loads, while a PU cast floor is sufficient for a lower load.

Color of the cast floor

The color of a cast floor is an important aspect that you should not overlook. This color not only affects the aesthetics, but also the functionality and maintenance of the floor.

For example, the color of the cast floor influences how much light is reflected or absorbed, how much heat is retained or released, and how visible dirt is. For example, choose a light color for a spacious and bright effect, or a dark color for a warmer, intimate look.

Possible floor lines

Another aspect to consider is whether you want to apply floor lines to the cast floor. Floor markings can consist of stripes, arrows, circles or other symbols that serve to organize, structure or mark the space.

Floor markings are useful for companies that work with logistics, transport or safety, as it can increase efficiency, clarity and safety. Applying floor lines can be done using paint, tape, stickers, or by integrating the lines into the cast floor itself.

Cast floor from ICM Projects

Are you convinced of the benefits of a cast floor for your company? Would you like to know more about the possibilities, costs and quality of a cast floor? Please feel free to contact ICM Projects, the specialist in cast floors for the commercial sector.

At ICM Projects we have more than 20 years of experience in laying and installing cast floors for various business applications. We offer you a tailor-made quote without obligation, professional advice and excellent service.

Complete our online quotation form for a price indication of your project or make an appointment to visit our Experience Center. Of course, it is also possible to schedule an appointment for an on-site visit. Together we will look for a suitable solution for your company floor!

How long does it take to install a cast floor?

Installing a cast floor takes on average between three and five days, depending on the type of material, surface, thickness and finish of the floor. The installation process consists of several steps, such as preparing the surface, applying the primer, pouring the plastic, sanding the floor and applying the top layer.

Each step requires a certain drying or curing time, which can vary from several hours to several days. The exception to this is an MMA cast floor, which can be walked on and loaded within two hours after application.
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How long does a cast floor remain beautiful?

A cast floor remains beautiful on average for between ten and twenty years, depending on the type of material, the quality and maintenance of the floor. Cast floors are durable and wear-resistant, so they retain their quality and color for a long time.

In addition, a cast floor also requires little maintenance, making it easy to keep clean and tidy. It is advisable to vacuum and mop regularly to remove dirt and dust, and to prevent or treat scratches or stains.

It can also be useful to apply a new top layer over time to protect and beautify the floor. This also extends the lifespan of the floor.
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What can a cast floor not withstand?

A cast floor cannot withstand extreme temperature fluctuations, sharp objects or aggressive cleaning agents. For example, extreme temperature fluctuations can cause a cast floor to shrink or expand, which can cause gaps or cracks.

Sharp objects can in turn cause scratches or dents on a cast floor, causing it to lose its smoothness or shine. A scratch or dent can quickly occur in a cast floor, depending on the quality of the material.

Furthermore, aggressive cleaning agents can damage the top layer or color of a cast floor, causing it to lose its protection or appearance. It is therefore important to protect a cast floor against these factors by using a good subfloor, a correct curing time, suitable footwear or furniture, and a mild cleaning agent.


Joost van Hulst
Joost van HulstCEO

Purchasing a company floor does not happen overnight. A good floor is only the basis for high work performance if you and your colleagues function optimally in it. For that simple reason, CEO Joost van Hulst makes sure every project runs smoothly every day. We get to the bottom of things for our clients. From administrative offices to hospitals. Ready to perform? The floor is yours.

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